Monday, May 25, 2009

Maven, Static Code Analysis, Code Coverage and more

Static code analysis and Code Coverage are becoming as basic as IDE syntax highlighting. Tools like FindBugs, Cobertura, Checkstyle, PMD, Eclemma and others, with plugins to Eclipse and Maven extensions, makes your life as a programmer more manageable, having Maven build a site for you with your code coverage results and following Checkstyle remarks in the IDE.

The title connects between things that are uncorrelated, except for being a measurement for modern Java development practicing. And of course Maven relates it all together also.

Today a Java programmer that knows only Java, even if very well, but intentionally ignores what's arround in the industry, e.g. sticking with good old Ant ("Why do I need this Maven, I'm doing just fine with Ant, just leave me in your mother") becomes a bit obsolete. The strength of Maven is that you can take a project with its POM.xml, and open it on another machine, even with another IDE that supports Maven.

So, to summarize.
As a programmer you are usually stressed and under pressure to close your tasks. Find some time to enhance your environment with the relevant Java Power Tools.

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