Monday, July 21, 2008


I had today a discussion on when to use AJAX and when not.

The idea is simple: the plain old request-response is usually a good thing, if you keep your pages small, which you should (CSS and JavaScripts should be external, thus a nicely built pure HTML page should be around 10-20K, not more).

The plain old request-response keeps your url meaningful - the state of the page is reflected by the url, which is a very good practice to follow.

The plain old request-response keeps your Back button function as it should, without any unnecessary tricks.

The plain old request-response keeps all your content available for search engines, which is usually what you want.

The plain old request-response keeps your user using what he is used to. No surprises.

So - when should AJAX be used?

  • Auto-completion
  • For fetching partial long lists based on some initial input
  • Quick response to something insignificant, like showing the current results of a poll right after your vote is done, blocking you from re-voting (not that you cannot delete your cookie or session identifier and go back to the page to vote again, usually the vote is not registered per IP address)
Some additional insights on this topic can be found here:

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Building features organically

I ran into this interesting post and wanted to share it with you:

This is how it begins:

One of the most interesting aspects of Agile development is to not build things
that you won't use now or over-engineer a component because "we might need this
in the future". That is a wonderful thing for developers and it does cut a lot
of complexity and time to deliver the feature, by consequence making it less

Now, the rest is quite the same, so you can either go there or not.
But the first comment (and only one when I visitied) is pretty smart. And counting on you lazy fellows that you might not invest in following the link and scrolling down, here's what Mike comments:

I spec from the "top down" and build from the "bottom up". That way, I think I
have a more throught-out overall plan, and it eliminates implementing some
possible dead-end features. Specs are much more malleable and have far fewer
requirements from a quality point of view. So I find it worthwhile to be a bit
more expansive and "future thinking" in a spec. But when it comes down to
implementation, I try to do as you say - and build from the bottom up with the
minimum set of functionality that can be made to work consistently. You can then
decide when you've "fiddled" enough, and decide to ship the features to your

Well said.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thinking Procedural

From Object Oriented and Event Driven Back to Procedural Programming

Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Programming fits most of the applications we create today. The idea of methods or services, encapsulated into classes or components, with clear separation of concern, isolated from each other, is clear and obvious. This is the heart of the Object Oriented concept, of Component Based Development, of SOA, etc.

Event Driven Programming

Event Driven is another concept, raised mainly from User Interface applications, but also protocol stacks, state machines, message brokers and all kind of listeners in general, can be seen as based on event driven concepts. Event Driven does not necessarily relate to Object Oriented Architecture. But yet, it is not a simple procedural programming.

Other Non-Procedural

Other types of programming methods which are non-procedural in their nature may include Pattern Matching Programming (e.g. XSLT) and Declarative Programming (e.g. HTML, SQL; some view Object Oriented Programming as declarative, I disagree).

Thinking Procedural

All above - Object Oriented, Event Driven, Pattern Matching, Declarative Programming - keep us apart from the flow. We get used to ignore the flow, the entire end-to-end scenarios which eventually creates the system.

Long time since we created a pure procedural program. This made us stop thinking in a procedural way. Which is problematic, as eventually the program will run as a sequence and we have to make sure it will work properly.

Here come to rescue: Sequence Diagrams, Scenarios, XP User Stories, UI Storyboards and Test Driven Development. They were all invented to assist us solving the problem of forcing us back to "thinking procedural".