Thursday, August 28, 2008

Google, on the way down

I host my blog at blogspot, as you can see. Today I was editing the draft of the post "ChangeLightBulbWindowHandleEx" when suddenly, between one automatic save to another, the draft just disappeared. Vanished. Gone. I was left with the title alone, no content.

There is no versions saving in blogspot, so I couldn't go to the previous version. Then I thought maybe I can turn to blogspot support and ask them to recover my draft, they might have it there somewhere. Long shot, but worth trying.

I started to look for the e-mail of the blogspot support.
And, after a while I found the link saying
Contacting Support. Great! So I followed it, to a nice page. And another nice page. And another. None of which offered an e-mail or a submission form. All tried to suggest advices for all sort of problems. There was a link leading to Blogger Help, but there again, no e-mail or decent bug report form. BLAH!

Then I started looking maybe someone already bumped into the same problem, maybe there is a hope somewhere. And I got to this
mailing thread at the Google Blogger Help Group.

It could have been funny if it wasn't sad.

Don't you care about your bugs?

I know it doesn't really say something about the business model of google. But it says that they lost it somewhere down the road. Don't you have enough resources to care about your quality?

If I'd have google stock I would sell now.

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