I gave today a talk in Sun's Java Day 2008, Israel, on Java Generics, Erasure, Subtyping, Super Type, Wildcards and a few words on Reification.
Though it's a bit of an old, Java 5, topic, and though the use of Generics is straight forward, the deeper understanding of why one gets type unsafe warnings, how to generify your own utility classes etc. - this needs some more attention. So I still find it relevant to talk about and it seems that it was relevant for most of the audience (I hope! ... well, in fact this is the feedback I got after the talk).
The presentation itself is available in pdf format here.
I want just to post here a small piece of code from the presentation. The main point of this code is how you can cast an object to T when T was actually erased and you don't have it in run-time.
The important lines are emphasized.
public <T> T getContent(Column<T> column) {
Object colContent;
String colName = column.getName();
if(colName != null) {
colContent = getContent(colName);
else {
Integer index = column.getIndex();
// TODO: if null throw something of your own
// (for now it will be NullPointerException)
colContent = getContent(index);
if(colContent == null) {
return null;
// now we need to cast the returned type and that's not trivial
// need raw type as a bypass
// usually use Class<?> when the type of the Class is unknown
// but it won't work here!
Class colClass = colContent.getClass();
// we know that we hold the correct type
Class<T> colClassT = colClass;
// now we can use the cast method of Class<T>
// If we were wrong regarding the type ClassCastException
// will be thrown (we can wrap with catch and replace with
// some application exception if necessary)
return colClassT.cast(colContent);
Addition, 27/05/2008:
A day after posting this, I got a very innocent question on the code: why not just use simple casting to T: return (T)colContent;
Well, I remembered that it's Not OK. But checking it again I recalled that Not OK means here that you get 'Type Safety: Unchecked Cast' warning, yet it does compile. What the compiler tells you is that it cannot check that the casting is fine at compile time, which is OK with us.
(Isn't it always the case that the compiler cannot check down casting at compile time? raises the question why Java decided to give a warning on this...).
So, a simpler version of the code would be of course:
// ...
// now we need to cast the returned type
// we prefer to use a local var so we can put
// the SuppressWarning here and not on the method
// (you cannot put it on a return statement)
T retval = (T)colContent;
return retval;
Now, one can just ask: so what's all this thing with the Class<T>.cast() method if we can directly use the "plain old" casting way of (T).
Well, in cases where Class<T>.cast() saves the 'type safety' warning, it worth using it. In our example above we get the warning anyhow (for the implementation using Class<T>.cast() we even get two), so in such a case it would be a better choice to go back to the "plain old" casting way of (T).
For an example where Class<T>.cast() indeed omits the 'type safety' warning, see item 29 in "Effective Java", details below.
Of course, if you do need the Class<T> instance itself, e.g. for reflection purposes, the original way presented above would be relevant.
End of Addition, 27/05/2008.
The idea behind the code is based on Josh Bloch's "Effective Java" 2nd Edition, item 29.
(The code example is not in the book, it's my example based on item 29. So in case of any error please find me responsible...)
Monday, May 26, 2008
Java Generics, Erasure, Reification
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1 comment:
It was a pleasure attending your presentation and speaking with you afterwards. Yours was one of the few presentations where no one left in the middle - this is the kind of session we need more of!
I mentioned to you one resource that I thought you should include in your links - that is the Java Generics FAQ, which you can find here:
Note that you can download the whole thing as a PDF. I carried this printout around for a while and was able to digest generics in small chunks when I had a few minutes. (http://bookletcreator.com/ is a good tool to convert the PDF to booklet format.)
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